Return to Balance, feel more empowered
where your inner essence flowers and inspires your life.
What if you could transform your relationship to yourself and learn to live in joy and authenticity?
I assist clients who are ready to roll up their sleeves and dig deep, make lasting changes in their lives. Will you feel more relaxed? You bet, but you will also grow and evolve.
Together we explore the things that hold you back, by getting to the root cause of your issues and affect change there. I empower my clients with energy clearing skills for their self-care practices to enhance and support the work we do together.
If you are struggling with:
Overwhelm & empathic sensitivity
Feeling ungrounded
You’re in the right place. I help you clear and regulate your chakras and aura, energetically shift limiting beliefs and patterns, and feel more grounded. Empowering you to live life as you choose.
You can evolve on an energetic level and finally resolve those long standing issues holding you back.

When I’m not helping clients grow and change, I can be found out walking my dog with friends and neighbors, or appreciating nature, hiking with my husband. I also love to dance, practice yoga, read a good book or write poetry.
Sarah Bernauer
Certified Energy healing Practitioner, Evanston IL
As a young girl, I knew I wanted to help people heal and restore balance. I began my early adult years seeking to understand the body and how it works. Getting my Bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry. I continued in healthcare, becoming a pharmacist for many years.
I knew the answers to health and wellbeing were not in pills, so I continued to explore — becoming a Reiki Master and later training in Hakomi, a body-centered psychotherapy. This modality helped me learn how to help people reach their core issues. It also honed my skills as a compassionate, deep listener. But a psychotherapist I was not meant to be. These modalities were helpful but I still felt like something was missing.
When I found the Energy Healing Institute, I went on a Journey of Discovery and found my true path. As a Certified Energy Healing Practitioner, I bring all my experiences to my sessions, helping clients affect change on the energetic level where it all begins.
Working with Sarah over these past seven months I have experienced a measurable shift in my energy. A sense of calm and clarity of awareness. I feel much better; healthier habits in eating, sleeping and exercising have replaced too much caretaking of others and using wine “to relax”. I am happier and taking greater initiative in directing my life.
— Katherine R. – Evanston, IL